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Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

Mitsubishi Eslipse

Mitsubishi Eclipse

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Mitsubishi Eclipse Mitsubishi Eclipse
2006-2008 Mitsubishi Eclipse coupe
Manufacturer Pabrikan Diamond Star Motors Diamond Star Motors
Mitsubishi Motors Mitsubishi Motors
Production Produksi 1990–present 1990-sekarang
Assembly Majelis Normal, Illinois , USA Normal, Illinois, USA
Predecessor Pendahulu Mitsubishi Cordia Mitsubishi Cordia
Class Kelas Mid-Size Car Ukuran pertengahan Mobil
The Mitsubishi Eclipse is a coupe that has been in production since 1989 for left hand drive markets. The Mitsubishi Eclipse adalah coupe yang telah di produksi sejak 1989 untuk tangan kiri drive pasar. It was named after an eighteenth century English racehorse which won 26 races, [ 1 ] and has also been sold as the Eagle Talon and the Plymouth Laser captive imports through Mitsubishi Motors ' close relationship with the Chrysler Corporation . Ia bernama setelah abad kedelapanbelas Inggris kuda pacu yang memenangkan perlombaan 26, [1] dan juga telah dijual sebagai Eagle cakar dan Plymouth Laser tawanan impor melalui Mitsubishi Motors' hubungan dekat dengan Chrysler Corporation. Their partnership was known as Diamond-Star Motors , or DSM. Mereka dikenal sebagai kemitraan-Diamond Star Motors, DSM atau.
As of 2009, the Eclipse is officially available in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, China, South Korea, the Philippines, and Brazil. Pada 2009, yang secara resmi Eclipse adalah tersedia di Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Meksiko, Arab Saudi, Kuwait, UEA, Cina, Korea Selatan, Filipina, dan Brasil.

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